Friday, May 21, 2010

Dunns River Falls - Jamaica

If you ever get the chance to visit Jamaica, I definately recommend checking out Dunns River Falls in Ocho Rios.
It starts with a walk to the beach, where the climb begins. Basically, everyone joins hands and leads each other up the waterfall. No ropes, no harness... just your hands. Water shoes are a MUST though.
**Note: you will be asked by MANY people if you'd like a guide to lead you up the waterfall but you really don't need one. Just attach yourself to a random group instead - it saves you a lot of money and gives you the option of breaking off onto your own route if you want to.
There is a halfway point as well for anyone too drained to continue (tempting as it is, you will be greatly rewarded if you stick it out). Some parts are pretty difficult though, it requires a lot of feeling around with your feet underwater to find where the next rock is. Sometimes, you'll also find you're much better off letting go of the group and making your own way up, as I found when the person behind lagged and nearly brought me back DOWN the waterfall. Pretty much anyone can do it though. Put it this way, if an elderly lady in a knee brace can do it, and I can do it with the worst hangover mankind has seen - you'll be fine.
When all is done and you're heading back out - a little tip for the travellers: Don't get lead off the main path. The locals will start by getting you to check out the photos they took of you on the climb, then they offer you little handmade gifts as a "thank you for visiting" and they'll tell you it's free... then they lead you "back to the buses" - via their stall of souveniers. Little do they tell you though, that they will charge you a pretty hefty tip for accepting these gifts they give you. They will even hand write your name on them so you can't even give them back. If you stick to the main path back though you will be fine.
All in all, defintely worth the experience!

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